Types of Closet Doors For Your Home

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Choosing a closet door can be a daunting task, especially for first-time homebuyers, due to the wide variety of options available.

The placement of your closet and the amount of space in your room significantly affect the closet door style you choose.

Learning about the different types of closet doors available can help you on your journey to building your dream home. The good news is we’re here to assist you.

When shopping for closet doors, keep in mind that their primary function is to close and conceal the interior of your closet while still making a statement about your style.

Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the various types of closet doors, grouped according to their functionality, design, and material.

Types of Closet Doors For Your Home:


1. Pivot Doors

Instead of using hinges to attach the door to the frame, pivot closet doors use two pivots, one at the top and another at the bottom of the door.

These pivots enable the doors to fully open, providing access to the entire closet. With these contemporary beauties, you can effortlessly achieve floor-to-ceiling drama.

You can customize the door blanks to be flat without paneling, match existing doors, or feature glass inserts. Additionally, they are frameless, eliminating the requirement for final carpentry on the door frames. You can also customize pivot closet doors to fit any style or area.

2. Accordion Closet Doors

This type of closet door comprises several narrow door panels that fold together and travel along a single rack mounted on the closet’s roof.

The closet door panels are mostly PVC or vinyl. These materials are flexible, making it easy to stretch them flat while shut and compress them into a tight band when opened.

As with other sliding door styles, accordion doors maximize available space and are ideal for kitchen and bathroom closets.

Their affordability makes them an excellent choice for budget-conscious homeowners.

The disadvantage of accordion closet doors is that they can feel imbalanced when opened and closed since they lack a lower rack.

Types of Closet Doors For Your Home:

3. Bifold Doors

Bifold closet doors are trendy. They fold around a central hinge and are available in two- or four-panel configurations, with each panel connected to the next by hinges.

This configuration enables you to reach any side of your closet simultaneously while maintaining easy access to your closet’s center region. Bifold closet doors are an efficient way to save space in tiny areas.

As a result of the door’s tendency to come off the track, these doors are unsuitable for families with young children, who may frequently tug on them.

Another disadvantage of bifold closet doors is that while they are open, they take up a lot of room in the closet, making it difficult to reach goods in the uttermost corner of the closet.

4. Double Closet Doors

There’s no better option for small closets than a pair of double doors. Double closet doors consist of two doors. One on the right and one on the left, which open and close independently.

As a result, they are always fashionable and extremely popular among homeowners.

Closet doors are held in place by a ball catch, allowing you to open one door while keeping the other closed. This type of closet door also requires a clear floor area, making them difficult to use in a crowded room.

5. Sliding Closet Doors

Sliding closet doors are made of lightweight wood or metal and are put in a track that allows the door’s two sections to move past each other pushed open.

In contrast to typical doorways that are fastened to the wall and open in one direction, sliding closet doors move to the side and rest neatly on the wall.

It’s worth noting that sliding doors are good space-savers, but the cost is high because they are custom-made for each room.

In addition, they might be a bit of a hassle to use because you can only reach one side of the closet at any given time.

It would be best to lubricate sliding doors regularly to ensure that the door slides smoothly.

6. Pocket Closet Doors

These types of closet doors are completely invisible when open. This functionality feature allows you to access everything in your closet without interference.

When opened, pocket closet doors slip into a pocket in the next wall. Pocket doors save space, making them ideal for places with insufficient space for a swinging door.

Unfortunately, this type of closet door is rather costly to install, as it requires specific hardware and the installation of a door-sized aperture in the wall.

7. Single Swinging Closet Door

A single swinging closet door is hinged or pivoted to swing 90 in a single direction. Small closets benefit greatly from this door style, hence why it’s so popular.

The disadvantage of single swinging doors, similar to double closet doors, is that they require a clear floor area in front, making them unsuitable for congested rooms.


8. Barn Closet Doors

A barn door is ideal if your closet is adjacent to a sidewall without nearby outlets or switches. Small rollers at the bottom of a barn-style closet door allow it to seamlessly open and close.

Rustic and traditional houses benefit greatly from this style, but modern ones may find it undesirable.

9. Mirror Closet Doors

Mirror closet doors, as the name implies, feature mirror panels. These doors reflect light inside your room, making the room seem bigger and brighter.

They are an excellent option for people seeking to improve the appearance and feel of their rooms.

Mirror Closet Doors also spare you the expense of purchasing a full-length mirror for your bedroom.

However, mirror doors are the most fragile of all the closet door styles available. This means you’ll probably have to buy impact-resistant mirrors with a safety coating, which isn’t ideal if you’re on a budget.

10. French Doors 

This closet door has hinges on both sides of the entrance, allowing them to open at the center.

As a result of its distinctive and beautiful design components, French door closets will remain popular for decades.

The majority of them are light wood joinery that frames huge glass panels. Homeowners searching for a touch of elegance may want to consider French doors with transparent glass panes.

However, the price of French closet doors can vary considerably based on the materials and the level of polish applied to them.

Additionally, they also need a lot of room to open, so they’re not ideal for tight spaces.

11. Louvered Doors

It is possible to create a ventilated closet with louvered doors by installing angled glass or wooden louvers in the frame.

These doors assist in keeping the contents of the closet fresh by allowing natural air circulation and light.

There are certain disadvantages to louvered closet doors, including the inconvenience of cleaning, repairing, and replacing them.

12. Bookcase Closet Doors

A bookshelf door, alternatively called a hidden door, is a sliding door intended to conceal the entrance to a secret chamber or vault used to store firearms, jewelry, or other valuable objects.

Bookcase closet doors also use the same principle, with shelves doubling as bookcases that conceal the closet’s contents.

On the shelves, you can put up a showcase for your best works of art.

Bookcase doors are mostly made using solid hardwood, which is costly.

You can, however, use plywood with hardwood veneers, which are less expensive but durable than softwoods.


13. Glass Doors

The refinement of frosted glass closet doors is enhanced when mounted on wood.

They provide privacy while maintaining the door’s aesthetic value. The advantage of this type of closet is that you can see and pick an outfit without opening the closet door.

A clear glass door is an option if privacy is not an issue for you. It would be best if you regularly clean your glass closet using a water-and-vinegar solution to maintain its luster.

Furthermore, because glass doors are delicate, it is best to remain cautious around them.

14. Synthetic Doors 

Closet doors made of PVC are very common. Synthetic closet doors are reasonably priced, lightweight, robust, and available in a range of vibrant styles.

They are great for people wanting an alternative to wood yet concerned about damaging glass doors. Nevertheless, synthetic closet doors lack the robustness and attractiveness of wood closet doors.

15. Wood Closet Doors

Wood Closet Doors are very common in most homes. Wood is a popular alternative for homeowners on a tight budget due to its local availability.

Unfortunately, not all wood closet doors are cheap. Some wood closet doors, particularly those built with high-quality hardwood, can be quite costly.


Choosing the right types of closet doors is all about convenience and long-term value. Before settling on a specific type of closet door, you should first determine the size of your closet, the space around it, the functionality, and of course, the budget. Considering any of these 15 types of closet doors will help you make your room look better, bigger, and more lively.